Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Jam packed

What stops you from taking the next step?

For me it's being overwhelmed by the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Sometimes it just doesn't make sense. I have no kids and very little responsibilities which brings me to the perils of the working week. Five days a week, 10 hours a day including travel time and a small amount more for getting ready. By the time I have cooked dinner and done the dishes, there is only a small portion of time left in the day. This time is so precious and mostly needed to unwind from the day, deeming it nearly impossible to get any real projects underway. It's a depressing reality working for the man and clocking 50 hours on something you don't really care for. So how do I make this 50 hours more amicable and of use to my own personal self? Change my attitude towards it? Look at the money and plan my travels? Do my own projects in work time? Quit? Get pissed off and annoyed at the rut?

Perhaps the most progressive approach will be changing my attitude, planning my travels and not wasting the precious couple of hours I have once the mechanical day is over.

Get to it. 

Monday, August 20, 2012

Terrifying faces of Olympic swimmers

These photos are brilliant.

About Me

Above Sea, New Zealand
Likes to hunt dinosaurs and carve vegetables.